Friday, March 18, 2011

picked up my blog

the last post was back in 2009.

and here i am again, picking my blog back again. simply because i'm too lazy to go set up a new blog and i feel like rattling off.

for formality's sake, i want to take the opportunity to do a stock take on the changes in my life since 2009.
  • gotten my own house
  • moved on to a new job
  • got married
  • took up driving lessons and put them on a hiatus for the time being
  • changed my phone for the better and for the worse
  • gotten my LV bag and wallet
  • learned how to play golf
  • took up a yoga membership
  • learned how to apply eyeshadows and stick fake eyelashes
uh uh that's quite a lot of stuff isn't it? and i thought i lead a boring life.

then again, in many senses, boring is good - stable life and choosing the kind of excitement that i want, not having unwanted surprises.

the biggest unwanted surprise for now has to be the earthquake in Japan. it has got to be the worst calamity in decades. and how their resilience really struck us.

in my work, i need to communicate with the Japanese almost everyday. just 1-2 hours after the earthquake shook their earth on Mar 11, they told us that they are still alive with the cute (^_<) emoticon. even until now, they carry on working. how is it like, i wonder? amidst the chaos in their country and living in uncertainty, they just keep going on. it's just really admirable.

oh i forgot to insert a picture before i logged out just now.

help the animals that are also victims to the japan earthquake too!



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